Marie sits down with world renown author and coach, Dr. Kimble Greene to discuss grace, imperfection, and real power - along with The Monarch Method for personal transformation.
Marie sits down with world renown author and coach, Dr. Kimble Greene to discuss grace, imperfection, and real power - along with The Monarch Method for personal transformation.
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[00:00:00] Kimball GREENE has been guiding and inspiring people for over 35 years. She has a p_h_d_ and transpersonal psychology and is a success coach, best selling author and a trailblazer. I like that her introductory book, You Are Not Broken, hit number one on Amazon in 2018, known as The Soul Whisperer. Kimball reconnects people to their core passion and purpose, leading them to achieve their goals and create success in their lives. Shortly after launching the Monarch method in 2009, a simple three step transformational process for removing what's blocking you so you can move forward in your life. Client success skyrocketed. Since that time, the monarch method has become an international movement, with Kimble's talks and services in increasing demand. Kimble's decades of education, observation, research and experience have culminated in the combination of these three themes grace, imperfection and real power. This dynamic platform, along with her internationally recognized monarch method, are a game changer, and Kimball herself is also a real game changer.
[00:01:20] I had the pleasure of meeting Kimball in a rather serendipitous way. About a month ago, which is actually how I meet most of the daughters of change who come into my life. Kimball and I were attending the same function and we ended up sitting next to each other. That ended up being something that I think is going to be a change for both. Kimball and I both in collaborating as we realized how much we actually have in common and with her sitting right here in our podcast here today.
[00:01:58] Welcome to the Daughters of Change podcast. I'm your host. Solar. Each week we'll be bringing you stories from around the globe of the women and girls who are changing the world, each in their own unique way.
[00:02:22] Kimball, welcome to the Daughters of Change podcast. I'm so sorry.
[00:02:28] Thank you, Mary. It's wonderful being here and it's been wonderful meeting you. Even though it's been a few short weeks, it feels like we've known each other for years.
[00:02:36] I was thinking that on the drive here. That's really interesting that you say that because I was driving here. I'm thinking I was going over in my head. How long ago was that we met? It was like a month ago that we actually met and then we had coffee and you came to a an event that I was at. And once we sat down, had that coffee, you know, we hadn't really talked a lot about business at the event. We just connected. But I was thinking, boy, it feels like I've known her forever. Right. And then almost like we were finishing each other's sentences that day when we had coffee.
[00:03:07] So, yeah, some really exciting stuff. Lots of synchronicity. Yeah. Good things are foot totters of change.
[00:03:16] And Kimble, your journey has been really interesting. And what I'd like to do is start at the beginning and have you tell us a little bit about your personal journey that led to you creating the tools that would eventually become the monarch method. So tell us a little bit about that.
[00:03:36] Sure. Well, I think we all have a story and for so many people that you see that are making a difference in the world.
[00:03:44] There's usually some trauma along the way. And for me, there were really three pivotal points in my life. The first one took place in my teens and I was a teen that struggled with depression and anxiety due to stuff at home and survived depression and survived a suicide attempt, which was really precipitated by my grandmother sitting down with me one day and offering 100 me $100 to change my personality because she said I was not likable or lovable.
[00:04:19] And so for me, that was that was pivotal.
[00:04:22] Not to mention traumatizing, but it did lead me into the field where I really wanted to reach out to children in particular and offer them the support that I didn't have so that they had options when they were struggling with things in their lives. So going into college, I studied psychology and social work and very quickly got into that system and stayed in that system really for most of my career and very aspects of it, very various aspects.
[00:04:58] And then the second pivotal point was in my mid thirties where I hadn't dealt with a lot of the struggles I had as a teen.
[00:05:09] And so my career as a result, my career and my relationships, my love life just hit a wall, a hard wall. And I ended up finding a counselor to see who was very spiritual. And she introduced me to the world of.
[00:05:30] Intuition and inner power and all of those sources we have within us and surrounding us that are non-physical and that really shifted things for me because I realized that I didn't have to.
[00:05:45] Over control the things going on in my life, I could tap into this inner source and shift what was happening, shift how I was thinking. And without knowing it, I started practicing some of the things to change my own life that are now part of my method. And I'll get to that in a little bit. So that was the second shift. And then the third one came in my mid to late forties when. Over a matter of about six months, my entire world collapsed finances, home health, relationships, business, it all just sort of caved in on me. In hindsight, I realize that was the universe's shove to go in a different direction. But at the time I really hit rock bottom and what came out of that is letting go of a lot of the external.
[00:06:45] Control in my life, trying to create the perfect job, the create the perfect home, the perfect relationship, and I really had to spend some time reflecting on who I was and who I wanted to be. A lot of inner work, which and that was in twenty, twelve, twenty, thirteen. And that led to me actually writing the books that are now part of the monarch method. And it took about four to five years to actually get those books published. But that was probably the most profound pivotal point in my life.
[00:07:21] To to get me where I am today.
[00:07:24] It's interesting because I've heard so many times and just from life experience that we're learning when things are difficult. So as much as you probably want to hear somebody say that when you're going through a difficult. Right. Right. Your title make it better, you're learning. The truth is, when you look back, those are the pivotal moments and perhaps that is the universe's way of shoving us out of our comfort zone. And on to the path that we're supposed to be on. And what I find with way to say all of the daughters have changed. And in daughters, a change can embrace other genders. Sure. But the people that oftentimes are out there really giving back and feel pushed to give back are giving back because of something they've experienced in their life. And so you wonder well, I don't wonder anymore. But there was time, you know, when I would say, mom, you know, what's that about? But I really think it's the perfect dance. It's the perfect choreography of life in the way that it's supposed to happen, even though it doesn't feel that way.
[00:08:29] It feels it's feels traumatizing at the time. However, a challenge can be taken two ways. You can succumb to it feeling like you're a victim or you can use it as an opportunity to rise above it and move forward and do something different in your life.
[00:08:47] So I really think it's about how we accept those challenges. And I'm sure there's been hundreds in my life that I have succumb to and felt victimized by.
[00:08:57] But it's those three that I mentioned that that feel like I responded a little bit differently and thought, you know, I have an opportunity to grow and evolve.
[00:09:06] And Kimble in it in a second, I want to get more in-depth about the monarch method and what that is. However, you said I realized that life lived from the perspective of faith. An internal power is easier than fear and external control. What do you mean by that?
[00:09:25] Well, we are born with gifts that are internal wisdom, power, intuition, understanding, figuring things out. And and those are part of how we're wired spiritually and biologically. And it's the combination of those things that provides us with guidance in navigating our world when we step outside of those inner capacities and tried to manipulate the things around us because we're afraid of loss or we're afraid of not being successful or we're afraid that we're not enough. And so what we do is we attempt to control the things around us. That's a lot of work.
[00:10:23] And it only gets you so far because you've cut off your source of power, which is your knowing and your intuition and your wisdom.
[00:10:35] So there's a fine balance of how do I manage my world and navigate life and how do I do that from the inside out as opposed to the outside in.
[00:10:47] So would you say it's fair? It's fair. F.A. I are to say that control when people are trying to control things, when we're trying to control everything around us. That's coming from fear. FBAR Fear. Correct.
[00:11:03] Yes, correct. So basically we're raised that way. So it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with us. We live in a culture and I would even venture to say a world. But because I live in the U.S., that's what I know. So that's usually what I try to refer to. We live in a culture that teaches us that good things come from what you create in the world, what you establish, whether it's a good job or an education or a relationship or how you look. So that's an illusion, because those things, even though they seem so unimportant, are very superficial and not that we want them to go away. But there needs to be a balance with our external world and our internal world. And people people struggle because we're afraid of not living up to those expectations, were afraid that we won't get the love we need or succeed in ways that our families or our cultures have said that we need to succeed.
[00:12:14] It's really interesting because shortly before my mother died, she she told me she had this really vivid dream. And I would I would hazard to say that it was more than just a dream. It was about my my best friend's dad who had passed away. And she said that she. Could she felt like she was him and she was walking in his shoes and she knew that he had died, but he was walking over this bridge and it was if it was as if everything that had ever bothered him or he had worried about while he was alive just didn't matter. And that was so profound for her. I mean, she actually made me call my friend so she could talk to her and tell her about this. And it was my mother was a big worrier. So I'm just thinking about what you're saying is she realized at this late point in her life that all of the things that we worry about externally, they don't really matter. You know, in it, I go back to that because she passed recently and I to have heard the ultimate worrywart be able to express that. And I really believe she was connecting for a number of reasons. But it to get that lesson right. So how much better if we can learn it before we're on our deathbed, right?
[00:13:38] Right. Yeah.
[00:13:39] And understanding that and trusting that is is key. But it's not the only thing.
[00:13:45] I mean, we are dual beings, spiritual and human. And there's a fine balance of how we manage both of those worlds. So what you just mentioned for your mother was absolutely a very spiritual aha moment. That sort of awareness and acknowledgement of wow, there are there's meaning to life in ways that I didn't realize. The challenge that we have then is incorporating that into our everyday human experiences.
[00:14:20] And I think that's where we society hasn't provided us with enough of the tools or processes to make those deep cognitive changes when we have those aha moments or when we read a book or a quote that really inspires us.
[00:14:40] It has to connect to how we're wired and shifting how we're wired. So one of the things that we read about is how stuck people are. There's a government statistic that came out recently that said over 300 million people worldwide experience depression and anxiety, among other things. Wow. 300 million is a lot. It sure is. So there's something happening in our cultures that isn't supporting the shifts and the transitions as we move forward in life. And you see it around you with so many people struggling and those very same people trying so hard to make changes, whether it's change in mindset or a diet or going to a program or changing relationships or changing jail jobs.
[00:15:28] We want so badly to change and then we either nothing happens or we circle back around to old unwanted patterns after a number of weeks or months, so we stay in that rut of I want so badly to change how we think, feel and act, but I don't know how I don't have the tools to do that.
[00:15:49] You know, it's interesting. And I want to dig into the monarch method right after this, but this sort of Segways into it. There was a really interesting statistic in the primer that I was reading for the monarch method, and I believe it was like only 8 percent. Is it a percent of people that make a New Year's resolution? Only 8 percent of the people actually succeed at that resolution.
[00:16:09] Is that was that. I get that stat correct. Yeah.
[00:16:12] And that actually points to our sort of desperation. We want to change. We want to feel better. We want to live our dreams and the mechanisms, the resources to do that that are offered to us in our culture very often. Just don't get us to that real deep change. There's more to it than just saying change your thought or change how you feel or change how you act. There's there's a deeper issue that we need to get to to create lasting, meaningful change.
[00:16:47] So we can't just use the thigh master like two times a week and look like the model on the TV. Oh, you might be able to do that, but you might not feel like you think the model was supposed to feel. I mean, doing those things doesn't create happiness. Right.
[00:17:03] So it's buying a lottery. My, you know, launch our businesses. Yeah. But we don't necessarily end up having our.
[00:17:11] Now we let's. This is a perfect segue way into the monarch method. Give us the. The high level view. And then let's dig into the specifics, because it's quite fascinating, so the stage is yours.
[00:17:26] Soul Whisperer. Thank you. Tell us about the also.
[00:17:30] The elevator pitch is the monarch method is a straightforward three step process for identifying what's been blocking you, getting it out of the way so you can move forward with achieving your goals and living the life that you dream.
[00:17:51] And it came from, you know, for the last 15, 20 years, I've been working in private practice and working with clients who had been in counselling or therapy for 20 years or more or had been on medication for many years. And they kept saying, you know, I feel okay, but I don't feel I haven't reached my potential. I don't feel great. And I feel really dependent on my therapist and really dependent on a prescription or self-medicating with alcohol or overworking or whatever it is. So I kept thinking, you know, something's not working.
[00:18:31] There's gotta be a deeper, a deeper issue taking place. What happens is what I've discovered through my research is that we unknowingly create core beliefs from a very early age. And those core beliefs become more or less the tapes that run in our heads that we aren't really aware. Our running and a core belief precedes every thought, feeling or behavior. So there isn't anything that Murray thinks or feels or does without it being preceded by a particular core belief. Dang. All right. And they're not big, scary, huge hidden things. They're very straightforward things and they're wonderful coping tools. So, for example, if. If there's someone who experiences trauma in their childhood and the way that they cope best with an abusive parent, persay is to be quiet. The quieter and more invisible I am, the safer all be from the wrath of whatever adult is in my world. So they unknowingly, but very smartly create a belief that says When I am quiet, I am safe. And so that belief that safety comes with being invisible or quiet becomes more or less permanent. You know, it becomes very a very deep belief that creates the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that leads this child to create as much safety as they can in their world. If that makes any sense, makes total sense. So what happens is when we're we've moved beyond that set of circumstances and we're now adults. We still have that tape running that generates thoughts, feelings and behaviors related to creating safety through being invisible or being quiet. And in order to change those behaviors, feelings and thoughts, we need to shift the core belief, which is why so many of the interventions that we use today aren't working as well as they should, is because you cannot change the behavior or the feeling or thought without changing the core belief. You can do it temporarily, but it doesn't last because the core belief is still creating those thoughts, feelings and behaviors as much as you fight that trend. Our brains are wired in such a way that you can't go backwards. Wow. You have to change the belief first.
[00:21:22] And so there could be a lot of subtle things that are happening to me. So you have, you know, the very. The larger the traumas. And then there are probably a lot of subtle things that as we're growing. Absolutely come in that create those belief. Right. It's changing a belief.
[00:21:41] Changing. And it's actually very simple how it sounds hard. So talk about changing a belief. So it's it's easy to get to.
[00:21:54] With a little bit of practice, I mean, getting to our own subconscious stuff can be challenging. Very often it's it's great to have someone coach you along to do that the first time around. But the method itself is so easy to use because it's a formula that you plug your challenges in your goals into and then you do the practices and exercises. And within days, if not weeks, you've starting to see change created.
[00:22:19] So a yeah it is it's really doable. It just nobody's ever showed us how to do how to do it.
[00:22:25] Exactly. So a really good example is a woman that I knew years ago. We were colleagues and she was chronically late. So not a huge thing in the world, but chronically late, like half an hour or more, not just a few minutes late. And she was getting to the point where she said, you know, this is really affecting my life because I'm really late everywhere. And so I said, well, let's talk about that for 15 minutes. Let's talk about why that happens. And I said so for the most part, when you show up somewhere professionally to a meeting or to a group. How do people respond when you walk into the room? And she said, well, actually, they they're very nice to me. You know, they say, don't worry about it. And we're glad you made it and we're glad you're safe. And I said so for the most part, you feel good. You get a lot of good feedback. And she said, well, my family gets really mad at me, but outside of my family, I'm the one that beats up on myself more than anything.
[00:23:28] So I said, well, pick a word on how you feel when you walk into a room late and you're more or less the center of attention at that point.
[00:23:35] And she said, well, I feel really special. And I said, OK, great. Let's go back to when you were a child. Did you feel special? And she said. No. Come to think of it, I didn't. And I said, well, how did you get attention? She said, I would have to do something negative or stand out in some way. I said, so, for example, being late. And she said, exactly. Even though the attention wasn't always positive, it was the way I got attention.
[00:24:08] So she created the belief as a child that in order to feel special, I need to stand out so as an adult.
[00:24:17] Because she was no longer in that environment. She was operating on a belief that was now working against her because, you know, she had a rubber bands on her wrist. She did everything that that we know to do to make yourself be on time. And she would always revert back to the old behavior because she was trying to change a behavior, a thought or a feeling related to being late that was being driven by an outdated core belief.
[00:24:44] So as much deeper than just the actual habit itself got excited.
[00:24:48] This is now the specifics with the monarch method. Are there particular tenants or how would you drill down into it a little bit more than the actual. But the elevator pitch?
[00:25:03] The pitch. So basically we have psychological constructs or pathways that are working all of the time. And these these words are probably words that most people aren't familiar with. But we have the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems inside our brains. So your sympathetic nervous system is the fight or flight, which I'm sure you've heard. Oh, yeah. And the parasympathetic is rest and relax. So we have two basic responses. So if you think about that, fight or flight is very akin to fear. And then the rest and relaxation is very much like faith or trust or peace. So it boils down to human beings having two basic positions from which they respond to the world, fear or faith, fight or trust. And it's about tapping into one of those that's going to serve you most in the situation. So if you're out in the woods and you're running from a bear, you suddenly want to tap into the fear and the fight or flight. That's a very primal, normal human response. However, if you're on a stage speaking to a thousand people about. Being powerful, that response to that fear, that fight or flight is not going to support you. You really want to step into the faith and the rest and relaxation that comes with interacting in that manner.
[00:26:53] That yeah, that's fascinating and you definitely, definitely want to be in that fight or flight when the bear comes. Right. Right. How much of you talked a little bit earlier about the knowing, the intuition and the knowing and that that word, the knowing is really interesting to me because I've always said that about myself. Like, I haven't knowing that. From the time I was a child in a little way or a bigger way, and just in the day to day, it could be running into somebody that appeared to be very grumpy or taciturn. Right. And knowing that inside there was a big teddy bear and they just. If you if you reacted to them in a different way, you're going to get a whole different reaction back. Right. How much of that knowing is soul based, that knowing an intuition, how much of that is divine inspiration, how much of it is from beliefs, in your opinion?
[00:27:49] So basically we are dual beings, human and spirit. And it's about balancing the two of those for your ideal experience in the world as far as being human. That's where we operate most from right now, which which causes a lot of the struggle. Because we haven't balanced that spirit and that human. We're very much about the physical world, human experience. We're taught that we are five sensory beings sight, sound, taste, touch and smell.
[00:28:20] In fact, we are six sensory, if not more. And our sixth sense, which is our intuition, our wisdom, our knowing, is our most powerful and most vital sense.
[00:28:35] And that is the one sense that we are taught least about as we grow up in the world. And even as adults, there isn't a lot of education around intuition and wisdom and knowing.
[00:28:48] And yet that is the source of our intelligence, our highest intelligence. That is the source of the best decision making. That is the source of our real power. So it's really important to balance those two things and and use them when appropriate.
[00:29:16] I'm really happy to hear somebody say that because I get into a lot of trouble for use that knowing when I was a kid, I hit to get the naughty chair. But it really he didn't mind that I said that he thought it was funny.
[00:29:28] Sure. I mean, it's when kids live in the world of make believe, we're taught that that, you know, that's sort of okay, but really don't do that out in public yet because people are gonna think you're a little nuts. Another message we get is don't talk about how wonderful you are, how smart you are and how much you love yourself, because that's conceited and that's ego and no one will like you.
[00:29:52] So right away, we're giving kids the message that disconnects them from that essence, that spiritual aspect of who they are being able to tap into the non-physical realm and know things that the physical world you wouldn't necessarily have answers to.
[00:30:13] So we're trained from a very early age to disconnect from that sixth sense, which is so much of where our power comes from.
[00:30:24] That's really interesting. I remember asking my sisters as I was older, you know. Do you ever get these things like, do you have these knowing stood and.
[00:30:38] And my sisters are a different sort of levels of how attached to the Catholic Church or different things like that, so they're all three very different sort of very different belief systems around things. And every single one of them told me, yes, but they would never talk about it. And when I opened up the conversation, they were really happy to have it.
[00:30:57] So that it really to be is would you were just saying that that that's what that brought up for me. You know, we're taught not to talk about it. Right. Will think you're crazy. Yeah. When you actually bring it up. And that's just in my little, you know, world of my family having that conversation I found. Well, the daughters of change, I have found that so many people have come into my life. Men, women, children have all. All have tapped in to that, that knowing that intuition, whatever it may be that they want to call it, or however they say that that it's coming to them, it's seems to be burgeoning more now and that more people are comfortable talking about it. I'll never forget sitting next to a CEO about eight or nine years ago at a at a dinner and having this person start talking to me about the spiritual world. And I almost fell out of my chair. I'm like, oh, my God, this is so cool. Like, I never would have dared to pray that conversation. But these are conversations that I've been having sort of privately.
[00:32:02] So spirituality is much more commonplace now than it has been over the past few decades, and it's becoming more and more common. So we're learning more about that sixth sense and we're more in touch with spirituality as a source of wisdom and higher power support as opposed to necessarily having to be religious.
[00:32:29] And it's it's a really beautiful thing to see. And with a cautionary note, people don't get egotistical with your spirituality. That's something I just have to say that because I'm seeing a little bit of that sometimes where I am the most spiritual and these things happen to be. It's like, no, no, no, no. Being spiritual is how you move to the world on a day to day basis. Right. It's when you walk into a room and somebody goes, oh, I love your energy. Sure. Right. As opposed to walk to him. Go. Yeah. There was spiritual.
[00:33:00] All right. I'm really in my vortex. And you people are right. I'm not sure that spiritual even and will have what I refer to for that. Is it, Grace?
[00:33:10] When when we walk in grace.
[00:33:12] When we're graceful with who we are, when we are nurturing grace within us, we are tapping into acceptance and compassion and humility and love. And that is authentic spirituality.
[00:33:32] That's a beautiful, authentic spirituality. So I think that that's actually a whole other podcast. But that is honestly, that's something I've been seeing a little bit more and more of as people talk about it more. And I say, no, no, no, no, stop. You cannot create dogma and it's not good if you spiritual.
[00:33:47] We call that spiritual bypass where there are people out there who are very smart and they really love the concepts of them that are so much more commonplace now within spirituality. And they adopt those intellectually so they can speak the language. But unless you do that, the deep personal process along with it, you're again splitting the head from the heart and you need both for the spiritual it to be authentic.
[00:34:20] But spiritual bypass is not uncommon where you bypass the heart, you bypass the internal process and it goes right to your head, which is where your ego basically lives.
[00:34:31] So there's a lot it's actually a great problem to have on the one hand, because people are waking up. Right. And so there's there's a lot of work to be done. But hopefully at a really positive way, because I was thinking about this the other day and I don't want to get too far afield, but I just love talking about this stuff. I was thinking about that very premise and I started to think about how history repeats itself and when it's us against them, regardless of how how pure your intentions are being that us like. We are spiritual. They are not spiritual. We are this religion there, that religion that any type of us against them. And I go back to my good friend Wolf, who has been talking to me about this for years. He's kind of a sage of mine. And whenever we get into us against them, there's really nothing good that's going to come out of it. That's what creates Genesis Lose. Let's watch. That's what creates wars. That's what creates political dissidents where nobody's having a conversation on either side of the aisle. Hello. Hello, politicians.
[00:35:38] Get them on me. All right. Anyway, I don't want to digress too far, but I had that thought. And when you just said that about the spiritual bypass, I've never heard that that that's a really, really good one.
[00:35:50] It plays into our fears. I mean, we we because we've been taught to manage our worlds from the outside in from control versus power, that.
[00:36:01] Creates fear, unnecessary fear. And when we try to. Live our lives through the lens of fear. It colors everything. And so, again, it's about balance. It's about tapping into some of the core beliefs that may have been established when you were young, which, oh, by the way, we're genius at the time and very necessary and realizing that that's time for that tool to go back in the toolbox and take out another one that supports who you are today and where you want to go, which is what led to my the title of my book. You are not broken because even though we're now today struggling, because there are thoughts and feelings and behaviors that that feel wrong or unsupportive, at some point they served you. And just because they don't serve you now doesn't mean you're broken at some point. Those tools were a great adaptive mechanism to survive and cope with the circumstances at the time. A veteran who's been in active duty is a perfect example. You have to adopt certain thoughts, feelings and behaviors when you're in a war zone.
[00:37:21] And yet when you come back to Portland, Maine, and you're walking downtown, those same thoughts and feelings and behaviors that allowed you to survive in a war zone are going to work against you in at home and in the city and in more typical circumstances. So it's about shifting the belief beneath those thoughts, feelings and behaviors so that you can.
[00:37:52] Adopt one that supports your current circumstances and how do you whisper to the soul, KIMBALL with the monarch method and with just the way you walk through life?
[00:38:06] Well, I feel a little bit funny when people refer to me as the soul whisper.
[00:38:11] I think the experience that's because you have a belief that you're not supposed to brag about. I'm sorry that it's OK. You.
[00:38:19] I know it's really about tapping into people's passion and purpose and allowing their soul to speak. And that, again, is an inside out experience or process. And because we've been taught to function so much from our heads and so much from our bodies and our material world.
[00:38:45] And to control everything, we've really detached from the essence of who we are from our souls, natural gifts and talents and real power.
[00:38:58] So for me, it's about guiding people to reconnecting to that. By bringing up the outdated core beliefs, stepping outside of that fear, which at some point served you. And stepping into the faith and the real power and accepting who we are as imperfect human beings. My platform now with grace, imperfection and real power really points to the fact that when you nurture grace, when you accept your imperfections, because it's it's the nature of being human, that's when you tap into your real power.
[00:39:35] And that's when the magic happens. Absolutely. And you're not in any way from the conversations I've had with you, it's not like you're saying that people should get so into the spiritual side that they go live in a cave and know one of the conversations we had prior to doing the podcast that really hit home for me, because it's something I really believe is that we are living in this world.
[00:39:55] Right. So we were talking about business and saying even though we go, we try to come from heart, not from ego. And we go with a knowing we're both pretty much firmly business heads.
[00:40:07] Right. How are you going to take something and help the most people? You have to use all the tools in your tool belt within the confines of the world we live in. I slowly to step way out of that world and go and listen if somebody wants to go meditate in a cave or whatever. I'm all for that. However, you know me, when you come out, you're going to talk to people. You're just going to get your enlightenment. But if you really want to push forward and help the most people possible within the confines of the construct of how we live, you have to have that balance, which i-.
[00:40:38] I I really appreciate that approach with with you.
[00:40:44] We are human and spirit because you are a dual being. You are half spiritual already. So tapping into what the spiritual aspects of yourself that already exist is what creates spirituality for you. It's not necessarily an achievement. Again, in the external world, it's tapping into what already exists within you.
[00:41:09] So it's an awakening of what's already there. absolu-. That's where you find the balance. So when we it's interesting when we talk about spirituality, which, you know, I wanted to I was shopping with my son the other day. I went to the bookstore and on which chain it was, but did this whole section of spirituality. They had they had, you know, that the salt lights, the the sea salt lights and the Himalayas, the Himalayan salt lights and all these different things. And I I thought, wow, like I wouldn't have seen this three years ago. So everybody's waking up to it. It's almost like the pendulum swings. Sure. Before it comes to balance. And so it's great that everybody's waking up.
[00:41:46] But we there is still that balanced approach to how we absolutely again, people are desperate to feel better, especially about themselves, but certainly about their lives. And we believe that it's something we have to attain. So buying the lamps, buying the books, becoming a spiritual work person is a goal. And and that's misleading because we're already spiritual people. It's about. I forget the way you used it was a great awakening, awakening to the WHO we already are in our core. And that's the key.
[00:42:27] And relying on our inner sources and not so much on the outer resources. Again, it's about balance.
[00:42:37] Everything's really balance honoring who we are as humans and honoring who we are as spiritual beings.
[00:42:43] Kimble, what do you want everybody to know about the wollack method that processes exist for people to create meaningful and lasting change? And it's an inside out process and it's doable and it's straightforward and it can happen in a matter of days and weeks. And it's already a part of who you are. It's about tapping into that. And that's what the monarch method it gives does is gives you the tools and the practices to tap into your real power and and begin to live the life that you desire.
[00:43:25] Becoming that butterfly, right? Exactly.
[00:43:28] Kimbell What's the best piece of advice that you have for the Daughters of Change out there listening?
[00:43:35] I would say that no matter how much you struggle or how many times you fall, that you are enough and you are worthy of your goals and your dreams and the best life that you want to live.
[00:43:53] Beautifully, said Campbell. How do we connect and support you? How did everybody out there listening? Because this is a platform not for me to do the dog and pony show, but for the women that and sometimes the men that I'm interviewing. How do we connect and support? Green?
[00:44:09] That's a good question. One of the things that has always inspired me is quotes, I love quotes and sort of the ways that they make me think differently or have aha moments. And so one of the platforms I created on my Web site is Say It Forward. And it is a combination of quotes and images to help inspire people. So I guess what I would say as far as the support. Is that say it forward. You know, let people know that they are enough and let people know that there there are means and methods out there to. Identify and remove what's blocking you so that you can achieve your goals, and that's one thing that the monarch method does very efficiently and it's fun too.
[00:45:08] There's a lot of things that go with it that make it fun and doesn't necessarily have to dig through your past and all the trauma you've experienced. Really, it focuses on your goals and gets you there quickly.
[00:45:22] So it's about the solutions to problems. Imagine that I'm that now. You have the I want to make sure nobody knows how to get in touch with you and find out more about the monarch method. And as always, we'll have the links in the show notes. Let's just give let's talk about where people can find you. The Web site for the monarch method. Also, how do people connect if they want a sense of quotes into you? So you could just give those verbally will also make sure they're in the notes.
[00:45:49] Sure. So, though, there are two domains to get to my Web sites.
[00:45:53] The monarch method dot com and Dr. Kimble green dot com and Kimball is k i m b l e and green is g r e e n E.
[00:46:06] Correct. And I'm also on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
[00:46:12] And if somebody wants to send the quotes, they can find that at either of the dot.coms.
[00:46:16] Yes, they can find that at either the dot coms. And please feel free to reach out. I'd love to talk to people. I love meeting people. And I'm happy to help guide you forward on your own journey.
[00:46:29] And she's totally cool. She's a total group queen. I have to say, I don't say this lightly. I don't collaborate, which is silly. Oh, thank Locksley. Yeah. So but you won't you won't be sorry. Now we'll have all that in the show notes. So be easy for you to find Kimble and get a hold of her. Kimble, before we sign off. Any last thoughts?
[00:46:52] Any last thoughts? Thank you for this amazing conversation. It's so heartening to me to talk with people who understand that there's so much more to our lives than the struggle we experience. One thing I do want to mention is I have a quiz that people can take online that helps you calculate where you're at spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically and with relationships. It's a lot of fun. It only takes 10 minutes and it's free so that you can find that on my Web site. But really, you know, I'm so grateful that this spiritual movement is gaining momentum because we deserve to live joyful lives and we deserve so much more than we realize that we do.
[00:47:47] So thank you for the opportunity that.
[00:47:52] Thank you for listening to this week's episode of the Daughters of Change podcast. To learn more about today's guest or any of our previous guests, you can visit Daughters of Change dot com forward slash podcast. You can connect with Daughters of Change on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram by searching those platforms for Daughters of Change. If you are a daughter of change herself and would like to appear on the show, send me an email at Marae at. Daughters of Change dot com. Thanks again for taking the time to listen today. Take care.